Saturday, January 23, 2010

Montgomery County Va Appraisal District Why Did Dems Do So Poorly In Suburbs That 0bama Handily Carried Such As ...?

Why did Dems do so poorly in suburbs that 0bama handily carried such as ...? - montgomery county va appraisal district

... Westchester County, New York, Fairfax County, VA; Bergen County, New Jersey, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, Delaware County, PA, Montgomery County, PA?

They are the women with high incomes, "voted to see no one but Bush," tired of endless 0bama plans on income, savings, pension assets and distribute to their supporters when they have their hands?

Because the people in New Jersey are from the threat of higher taxes who swear that 0bama and Biden are their "patriotic duty" to give his supporters, tired?

--- Carbon Tax
--- Payer health of other nations
---- See insurance plans for their elderly parents, cut and pulled


Di said...

ACORN was not available to registrants.

rare2fin... said...

Oh, please
Obama is not convicted "of a few states in which people lost jobs, cars, boats, liens, bankruptcies convicted, and" to stamps.Except food "Doom" was in production long before President Obama. The Democrats do not "hurt". The voters in the past decades, supported by the neoconservatives chose Republican / conservative hawks and supporters of the big companies have against the evils of this fair, we have contributed

Ditka said...

Because the children do not participate in the voting in depth, except when voting Obama FAD .. Sorry state governments, local, and are of real people and not a group of children who wanted it done, regardless of their added knowledge.

For this reason, children should not vote until they are voting members of real communities and not just because they want to be heard, are .. Most people do not know or understand how it affects us. He comes to vote blindly and do not care about the consequences.

Brown950... said...

Everyone has a theory that is displayed.

The Republican theory is that the whole country is suddenly ultra-conservative.

I think it's more likely that people have for the governor do not support a particular ideology.

Brown950... said...

Everyone has a theory that is displayed.

The Republican theory is that the whole country is suddenly ultra-conservative.

I think it's more likely that people have for the governor do not support a particular ideology.

sonic death monkey said...

Because Obama was not the candidate.

sonic death monkey said...

Because Obama was not the candidate.

solaryel... said...

The people have spoken ...... became angry and stood up.

Obama is doomed to fail

Paul McCartney said...

Why samples. What is so bad in the cities.

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